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  • X-Ray Magazine Publication Reminder
    Magazine subscriptions - you get a brief email reminding you each time a new issue becomes available for download
  • X-Ray Mag Newsletter
    Newsletter. Regular frequency is once every three weeks.

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    ... including former USSR
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All information entered will be held in strict confidence.

At no time, will information on an individual or on our database of members be sold, rented, or in any way disseminated to a third party.

We reserve the right to contact our database (via email) to provide information regarding the availability of new issues of X-Ray Magazine, contest announcements, special promotions, surveys etc....

When on occasion any message from a sponsor, collaborating business or partner appears - such as announcements for upcoming dive shows, photo contents and the like - it has forwarded by us - the contact information has not been shared.


As of spring 2020 the average frequency of our newsletters or announcements is approximately twice a month.