”A year in the Life of an Underwater Photo Journalist”

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”A year in the Life of an Underwater Photo Journalist”

February 03, 2012 - 16:07

Matt travelled to more than 10 top underwater photography and diving destinations in 2011. He will take a look back at the amazing year of diving while also exploring the less glamorous side of travel journalism. Every once in a while everything turns out perfectly, but more often bad visibility, inclement weather, or uncooperative wildlife make the task difficult. However, its during these difficult situations that you are forced to think differently – and that’s when the most interesting experiences can happen.

Bio Matt Weiss is the publisher and editor-in-chief of DivePhotoGuide.com, a leading underwater photography media publication with over 50,000 worldwide monthly readers. Matt has been working full time at DPG since 2009, and for years was the world’s only full time underwater photography editor. He spends over a third of the year in the field shooting assignments and running workshops for numerous print and digital publications. In 2011, Matt co-founded Scuba Diver Through The Lens, the world’s first international underwater photography print magazine that will be published quarterly beginning in 2012 and distributed in New York, Munich and Singapore.

The details
When: NYC Sea Gypsies January meeting
Wednesday February 8th, 2012 7PM
Where: McGees Irish Pub
240 W 55th Street (Broadway & 8th Ave) 3rd Floor
NY, NY 10019