Call for Entries Now Open for the 2020 San Diego UnderSea Film Exhibition

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Call for Entries Now Open for the 2020 San Diego UnderSea Film Exhibition

March 22, 2020 - 01:32
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Press Release

This is a “Call for Entry” for the 2020 San Diego UnderSea Film Exhibition (SDUFEX) that will take place Friday and Saturday evenings, October 9th and 10th, 2020 at the Irwin M. Jacobs Qualcomm Hall in San Diego, CA. Entries may be submitted through June 21st 2020.

An independent panel of distinguished judges will select the approximately 30 films to be shown during the two-night event.  The top three films as selected by an audience vote each night will be awarded cash prizes. The films with the highest number of votes each night will be awarded prizes of $500, $250, and $100 respectively for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places respectively.   There is no entry fee.

This is your opportunity to see your work projected in a High Definition format in a state of the art venue on a 30’ (10m) screen.  Filmmakers whose films are selected are encouraged to come to the show and introduce their film(s) in person on the night of the exhibition.

SDUFEX uses FilmFreeway ( for submissions, which are free. 

FilmFreeway submission requirements involve two parts: 

First part, sign up with FilmFreeway and "Add a Project." This will include all the info on your film and a page where you will upload your film entry to FilmFreeway.  (Please Do Not submit a link to another site such as YouTube or Vimeo)

Second part, once you have completed your project info and film upload, you will then submit your project specifically to the San Diego UnderSea Film Exhibition.
•        Films must be submitted no later than June 21st 2020.
•        Maximum of two films (total) per filmmaker.
•        Films can be submitted in two categories:

          • 5 Minutes Max. Up to 5 minutes in length with at least 50% of the footage be shot underwater. The majority of films selected for SDUFEX will be in this category. We encourage filmmakers to submit the best version of their film, even if it is well under 5 minutes. Many of our best films are only 2 or 3 minutes long – longer does not always mean better.
         • 10 Minutes Max. 5 to 10 minutes in length with at least 50% of the footage shot underwater. In this category we are looking for films that tell a story – we strongly encourage submissions with more substance in this category, and these will be judged accordingly. Films will only be selected for this category if they are narrated. Please note that a maximum of three films in this category (up to 10 minutes)per evening may be selected, and so film makers will stand a much greater chance of being selected if they submit in the under 5-minute category.

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