Malta's Azure Window given new life

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Malta's Azure Window given new life

October 13, 2017 - 04:49
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Collapsed icon now a dive site

Malta's Azure Window

When Malta's Azure Window collapsed into the Mediterranean this past March, people worldwide mourned the loss of a natural wonder. formation had long been a major tourist mainstay in Malta as well as having been featured in numerous films and television shows, including "Game of Thrones."

Although eroding for years, its collapse was not imminently expected. High waves and strong winds during a storm toppled the formation on the island of Gozo, sparking widespread grief across the country. Although many were concerned the collapse would impact tourism, the landmark has been bestowed a new life – underwater.
Divers have begun visiting the site, with the remnants of the immense structure forming a striking underwater landscape. Where the limestone formation once stood, immense chunks of cracked rock lay strewn across the seabed, with indications marine life is already beginning to colonize the site.

“The big white rocks with fresh cracks and brittle structure look really impressive,” said Konrad Baar, of Family Diving Gozo. “Without a marker these rocks look like small pieces but they are really big. The whole structure is quite complicated with the canyons and narrow passages,” he added.
However, the Mediterranean’s ebb and flow is likely to change appearances quickly, so divers should visit sooner than later. “In the next few months the surface of the rocks will be covered and everything will become green. Most probably the sharp edges will disappear under a layer of new life, so the divers should hurry up to see this place as it is now,” said Baar.

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