Nemo V2 DIVERS Edition Cordless Underwater Power Drill

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Nemo V2 DIVERS Edition Cordless Underwater Power Drill

February 08, 2016 - 14:28
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Recreational divers rarely, if ever, get involved with underwater tasks that require power tools.

Nemo V2 DIVERS Edition Cordless Underwater Power Drill

When it comes to building or demolishing structures underwater, these works are best carried out by appropriately qualified civilian commercial or military divers. Their training includes how to use an arsenal of equipment (such as an underwater chainsaw) and they will have a better understanding of underwater engineering.

However I can see the value in recreational and technical divers wanting to use a power drill underwater in certain circumstances. For instance tagging a shipwreck or a coral reef with reference points to aid survey / research work. And being able to access a salt-water ready tool that is capable of loosening or tightening wheel nuts in extreme weather, or indeed submerged in the sea, does make changing a flat tyre on a trailer a quicker task.

Enter stage left the Nemo V2 DIVERS Edition battery-operated underwater drill / screwdriver. This has a primary working depth of 10 metres / 32 feet. However it can be adapted to operate to 50 mt / 164ft.

The drill comes in a carry case and the setup includes a battery charger, a pressure valve and pump to pressurize the drill, and two 18V 3Ah Lithium Ion batteries. The 10mm chuck is keyless, and the drill has 2 reversible speeds and 6 torque settings.

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