The Oceanic Cornucopia

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The Oceanic Cornucopia

October 13, 2011 - 23:18

For millennia, mankind has been obtaining nourishment from the oceans, not only from fish and shellfish but also from the various types of plant life. The oceans are also home to some of the most pois

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on page 60

X-Ray Mag #13

September 22, 2006 - 19:40

Travel: Bernardo Sambra and Jason Heller takes us on an adventure to amazing Galapagos, while Barb Roy guides around Vancouver Island. Drysuits! Dressing up right for fall diving: 13 packed spreads with (almost) everything you ever wanted to know about drysuit diving. And to cater for the after-diving, a Dive Fall Fashion section. There are some very cool watches too. As for side dishes we got plenty of News about people, training issues, Whales & Dolphins, Sharks and Turtles, New Books and oh... Did you know why Water is Blue? Also in the science section: Medicines from the Ocean. Cedric Vedier takes us down on a WW2 Japanese Battleship and as t he eye candy in the end some amazing paintings by Carlos Hiller

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