Scapa Flow Dive Guide

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Scapa Flow Dive Guide

May 29, 2015 - 15:55
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Lawson Wood

Scapa Flow has more shipwrecks and wreckage than any other location in Europe and is regarded as one of the top five wreck diving locations in the World.

Aquapress isbn. 1-905492-04-9

The story behind the deliberate sinking of an entire navy is told in detail and diving information is provided for each of the remaining ships from the German High Seas Battle Fleet.

Diving on the 'Blockships' is also heavily illustrated with contemporary photographs as well as archival naval photographs and sketches made in 1915. This book gives the most accurate detail on the shipwrecks and their location to date and is regarded as the quintessential definitive guide to Scapa Flow.

Lawson Wood has written more than 40 related historical and diving guides from all over the world, including the successful Shipwrecks of the Cayman Islands.

He is a founding member of the Marine Conservation Society and founder of the St.Abbs and Eyemouth Voluntary Marine Nature Reserve in Scotland. He made photographic history by becoming a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society and Fellow of the British Institute of Professional Photographers solely for underwater photography. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.

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