Think. Before You Pour Down Your Festive Sink!

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Think. Before You Pour Down Your Festive Sink!

December 18, 2017 - 10:09
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In September 2017 the BBC reported that a monster 250 mt / 820 ft 'fatberg' weighting 130 tonnes was blocking a Victorian sewer in Whitechapel, London. It was nearly as heavy as a Blue Whale or 11 double decker buses.

The fatberg was as hard as concrete and took specialist workers nine weeks to chip it away and clear it.

On analysis it was found the fatberg was an

Today the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) has issued a warning that people should not pour leftover cooking fats and oils down the sink.

This could be a disastrous Christmas present for our seas

The UK conservation charity has advised that sewers clogged up with congealed fats, oils and grease (FOGs) can cause major problems in pipes, drains and sewers. As the Whitechapel fatberg amply demonstrated, the waste can form a blockage. The concern is that this can lead to flooding in homes and stop waste water from reaching treatment works, ultimately resulting in untreated sewage ending up on our beaches and in the sea.

What people do in their daily lives - miles from the sea - can have a major impact on the quality of the UK's bathing water

The request that you keep fats and oils out of your dishwasher and away from your sink may seem a strange ask from a marine charity, but if everybody made that small change it could make a big difference to our seas and beaches.

How To Dispose of FOGs

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