I remember watching a presentation by Sami Paakaarinen on the recovery of two divers who were his friends who had died while diving in the Plura cave system in northern Norway in February 2014.
Read moreConvention states that reviewers should declare any conflicts of interest or relations with manufacturers, resort owners or authors with whom we have some sort of relationship. No problem.
,Chapter 1: The Role of Human Factors and Non-Technical Skills in High-Performing Teams
Chapter 2: Systems Thinking: The Whole is Greater Than the Sum of the Parts
Most of the time, it is the diver’s skills, knowledge and attitude that prevents those risks from being materialised and an injury or fatality from happening.
Read moreIt is this balance of risks that is often hard to understand when something goes wrong and a diver is killed, injured or has a really “scary” moment.
Read moreIn 1977, two Boeing 747s were on the runway at Los Rodeos Airport, Tenerife.
Read moreThe simple answer is—it depends! This article will present a series of arguments so the reader (and diver) can make that decision, as ultimately, it is the diver who is choosing to get in the water and expose themselves to the risks therein.
Read moreThere is a significant body of evidence which shows that divers involved in diving incidents often make poor decisions—sounds obvious, doesn’t it? So if it is so obvious, why do we continue to make them?
Read moreWe need to be able to raise the awareness and knowledge of those involved in the sport so that they can truly take responsibility for their own actions.
Read moreSome of the readers may remember an article I wrote on this subject a couple of years ago, but this one will go into much more depth and give examples of the issues faced in both the scuba diving community and other environments, which have more e
Read moreThe reason why the presentations and consensus statement arrived at this position was because there is considerable evidence from aviation, medicine and other fields and disciplines that shows the proper use of checklists reduces the probability o
Read moreBut just culture is only one part of a safety culture, a term which is being promoted by a number of organisations and individuals as something that needs to be developed by individual divers to improve their safety.
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