Reef fishes don't just rely on the coral reef environment to provide them with food. Food, in the form of plankton, also enter the reef environment due to ocean currents and tides; this forms another food source for reef fishes.
Read moreThe award ceremony was held at the Royal Lancaster Hotel London on Thursday 24 January 2019.
Read moreHuman activity has caused suspended sediment concentrations in tropical coastal waters to increase substantially over the past few decades.
Read moreDuring their spawning aggregation, some groupers produce courtship-related sounds that are species specific.
Read moreA study has confirmed that seals feeding on cod, herring and sprat in the Baltic Sea would not adversely affect the fish population, as much as man-made causes like climate change, nutrient load and fisheries would.
Read moreThe yelloweye rockfish, which lives in the coastal waters of Alaska, can live up to 120 years. Over its lifespan, they are known to accumulate toxic chemicals in their tissues.
Read moreAbout 150 million years ago, during the Jurassic era, a bony fish species lived in the seas. It had teeth similar to the piranha, designed to slice through flesh.
Read moreThe MSR has been the classic test for self-awareness since it was developed by Gordon Gallup in the 1970s in his work on chimpanzees.
Read moreDuring a recent expedition to St. Paul’s Rocks, Atlantic Ocean, a distinctive and previously unknown species of Anthiadinae was collected at a depth of 120 m.
Read moreBeing exposed to light during the night can cause changes in the behaviour of guppies, according to a new study published in the Scientific Reports journal.
Read moreAn expedition to the Atacama Trench, one of the deepest places on earth, has yielded video footage of three new species of snailfish, as well as a specimen of one of them.
Read moreCulverts have become a major part of our lives, allowing water to pass underneath a road, path, or some other structure.
Read moreIt was in 2003 that Dr Lynne Sneddon of the University of Liverpool found through rigorous scientific research that fish are sensitive to pain and suffer.
Read moreWhy do young salmon leap out of the water, even when there are no obstacles in their way?
Read moreClownfish, with their white stripes, are easily identifiable, despite the fact that the pattern and intensity of the coloration differ amongst the different species.
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