Until the 1990s, only two kinds of orcas were seen in the inshore waters of British Columbia, says John Ford, a zoologist at the University of British Columbia and a research scientist at the Pacific Biological Station run by Fisheries and Oceans
Read MoreGiant basking sharks like to take tropical vacations too.
Read More(Stanford University, Dalhousie University and the Monterey Bay Aquarium, working in collaboration with Canadian fishermen from Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia.)
Read More"The most positive scenario assumes that greenhouse gas concentrations remain constant at their levels in the year 2000, and even in this case climate change still has an impact.
Read MoreThe ships were found with cargo, and one of the ships obviously was burned. This is mysterious as it is unusual to burn a ship with its cargo on board.
In one of the largest scientific collaborations ever conducted, more than 2,700 Census scientists spent over 9,000 days at sea on more than 540 expeditions, plus countless days in labs and archives.
Read MoreNew Equipment Edited by Wayne Fenior :: Travel: Cruise Boat Diving by Mike Keleher :: Ecology: Shifting Baselines by Christina Ward-Paige :: Interview: Diving With Legends’ Pete Miller by Bonnie Mckenna :: Sharks: Refugees of The Gulf Oil Spill by
Read MoreResearch into the behaviour of shrimps exposed to the antidepressant fluoxetine, showed that their behaviour is dramatically affected.
Read MoreCanada's government says the discovery bolsters its claim to sovereignty over the Northwest Passage, which is feared threatened by increased shipping.
Read MoreThe death from deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) of a 36-year-old passenger on a transatlantic flight has provided a frightening reminder of the risks of taking sleeping pills on aircraft, particularly when travelling long-haul.
Read MoreIn Mississippi, out-of-work fishermen are preparing to go back on the water to look for oil again. Gulf coast fisherman Barry Rando just wants to work.
Read MoreIt turns out that sharks can detect small delays, no more than half a second long, in the time that odours reach one nostril versus the other. When the animals experience such a lag, they will turn toward whichever side picked up the scent first.
Read MoreA team of researchers led by Jason Blackburn of the University of Florida sampled and tested 134 fish living in coastal waters of the Gulf of Mexico, Belize, and Massachusetts for signs of drug-resistant bacteria, using a suite of twelve common an
Read MoreThe Helldiver had taken off from an aircraft carrier and was on a training run when its engine failed and the pilot ditched on May 28, 1945.
Read MoreHopes that shark cartilage would prove to be a useful treatment for cancer were not borne out in one of the most rigorously designed and executed studies of an alternative therapy ever conducted.
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