Sea anemones have long been known to release very powerful olfactory compounds, which might best be described as perfumes.
Read moreWidely known as a biodiversity hotspot for marine animals, Australia’s Bremer Canyon Marine Park has been found to also host rich, diverse ecosystems within the canyon’s cold waters.
Read moreOxygen levels in the ocean fluctuate due to various reasons, both natural and man-made.
Read moreWe resort to models when we need to simplify complex mechanisms or relationships in order to make decisions, predict the outcome of some processes, or analyse consequences of some decisions—sometimes with the aid of computers running complex simul
Read moreMultiple paternity occurs when a single brood of offspring is fertilized by multiple males. Multiple mating by females is referred to as polyandry and is one mating strategy widely documented to increase the genetic quality of offspring.
Read moreAfter studying 611 fishes from different sites in Rowley Shoals and Scott Reefs in northwest Australia, scientists discovered that having fewer sharks around caused the fishes in the vicinity to develop smaller eyes and tails.
Read moreInstead of wearing earplugs at a rock concert, imagine you could simply tune a dial inside your ears to lower the volume and protect your hearing.
Read moreA team of researchers at the University of California San Diego are investigating whether organisms can use radio frequencies to sense their surroundings.
Read moreMany laboratory experiments have demonstrated that increased ocean acidity slows down coral calcification, the process by which corals grow and build their hard structure.
Read moreDuring winter, food is scarce and many animals tend to slow down, become dormant and some of them even hibernate.
Read moreIn Mono Lake, just to the east of Yosemite National Park: enormous numbers of small flies crawl underwater to forage and lay eggs, but each time they resurface, they appear completely dry.
Read moreBeing right-handed or left-handed isn't a trait reserved exclusively for humans. Animals like birds and great apes have this trait as well. as do the cichlid fish (Perissodus microlepis species).
Read moreHaving completed two high-profile collaborative research projects in 2016—one with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) documenting the U-576 WWII German submarine at a depth of 721ft (220m) off North Carolina along the US Ea
Read morePredator animals swiftly learn that brightly coloured animals are usually poisonous or are vile to the taste—essentially that they are not to be eaten.
Read moreScientists have discovered that damselfish, as young as eight days old, have the ability to detect and identify their kin through their odour, even though they are still embryos.
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