The study was conducted by Orb Media, who shared the data with The Guardian newspaper. Tap water samples were taken from over 12 nations across the globe for analysis.
Read moreNot only has it importance for the heat transmission, for example, from the seas to the land and vice versa, and thus affecting global climate, but it is of the greatest importance on the types of life that have evolved in these waters.
Read moreIn a completely different context, this ability also enables us, for example, to keep ourselves and our clothes clean and free from pathological bacteria, thus helping us to maintain good health.
The absorbtion of CO2 may have slowed global warming, but there has been a resulting change in seawater chemistry. To understand why the effect of increasing atmospheric CO2, which leads to increased absorbtion of CO2 in sea water, is important, it is necessary to understand some of the chemistry of carbonic acid and its salts. However, before we can discuss the effect of this acidity, we must have a useful description of what we mean by acidity and acid strength. The most common and useful unit to describe the magnitude of acidity is the pH value.
Read moreAs pure water is only a liquid between 0ºC and 100ºC, it is not surprising that life, at least as we know it, which depends on water, is to be found on earth where this condition obtains, though most life on Earth lives at temperatures of less tha
Read moreThis colour arises from very weak absorptions at the yellow-red end of the electromagnetic spectrum.
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