With the advent of PADI’s recreational closed circuit rebreather (CCR) dive programmes announced in late 2011, it was anticipated that there would be a tidal wave of interest by the diving public learning on rebreathers to capitalise on the advant
Read moreThe whales also do not ride on the bow waves of boats, but rather avoid noise and are extremely quiet representatives of their kind—a species that lives quite inconspicuously in our world’s seas and hunts at great depths.
Read moreTo explore both the mainland and the island, you can fly into Cancun. From there, it is a 65km (41mi) drive to Playa del Carmen. From here, you can take a 45-minute ferry over to Cozumel.
Read moreAs is now tradition, the championship took place in Novik Bay in February. The ice on the sea is the most stable during this month. Preparation for the competition was carried out over several weeks.
Read moreThe marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus), found only in the Galápagos Islands, is a marine reptile that closely resembles the movie adaptation of Godzilla. It has the unique ability among modern lizards to forage for food in the sea.
Read moreSituated off the Tutukaka Coast, a three-hour drive north of Auckland, the islands have long been on my radar. Featured in documentaries, including BBC’s original Planet Earth series, they have captivated me from the get-go.
Read moreEgo simply refers to self and how we feel about ourselves. This results in our thoughts, emotions and behaviour. Where an ego is arrogant, overbearing, misguided or delusional, then bad things can and often do happen.
Read moreIf you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same...
Yours is the world and everything that's in it...
— excerpts from the poem, "If", by Rudyard Kipling
Read moreRecently, while working my day job, I was at Heathrow Airport in London for three days to work with a group of very talented executives who ran a successful multinational company.
Read moreOver the years, I have had the privilege of being involved in some fantastic teams, sometimes in a leadership role, sometimes as an advisor helping to form a great team, and in others, as a team member.
Read moreBut let's look at this seriously for a minute. Why do these things appeal to us? Why do we like to be recognised and to have a group identity?
Read moreUntil you get into deep trimix or cave diving training, there is little emphasis in diving qualifications on anything other than meeting performance-based skill standards.
Read moreThe previous day, I was at the other end of these cliffs and 10m underwater, getting my first glimpse of weedy seadragons, a unique and strangely beautiful marine organism endemic to southern Australia.
Read moreIn a mixture of gases, Dalton’s law of partial pressures explains the relation between the total pressure exerted and the partial pressures of the individual gases.
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