John Lamb was one of the unsung heroes of the diving industry. Mark Powell, Technical educator / author
John Lamb’s name is synonymous with oxygen. He literally wrote the book on it.
,,Sensors, like sharks, have suffered from some bad PR. Rosemary E Lunn
,I have lost not only a boss, but a great mentor and a friend. Ryan Swaine, Vandagraph
Ryan Swaine at a UK Dive Show in 2014. He was in excellent form considering he was very jet lagged. Ryan's job with Viamed / Vandagraph meant he would regularly travel abroad for work.
,,John and I have been friends, partners and soul mates since we met in our school days 64 years ago. Jean Lamb, Vandagraph
John and Jean Lamb with Steve Nixon at EUROTEK's pre-dinner drinks reception
It is only fitting that I leave the last words to John S Lamb.
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