While many inflammatory conditions can be effectively treated, for example with steroids, these drugs can often cause unwanted side effects. But scientists at King’s College London think starfish could offer a better solution.
Read moreThe Cayman Islands Tourism Association has announced the 'Invasive Lionfish Tracker', a PADI Distinctive Specialty course available to both residents and visitors. The one-day program aims to educate divers about the invasive predator with essential lionfish facts and their invasion of Caribbean and north-western Atlantic. The course explains why immediate action is essential to control the population and describes a practical way to safely and humanely capture and euthanize the fish.
Read moreThis is just one of the fascinating results from research using acoustic tags which has yielded new insights into what cod get up to below the surface of the sea.
Read moreIn a recent study published in the journal PLoS One, French and Scottish scientists have discovered that the 2mm long water boatman Micronecta scholtzi make the loudest sounds of any animal on earth relative to its body size.
Read moreSmaller squid make up for their diminutive size and reduced sexual status by producing bigger sperm. The outsized sperm is produced in a bid to thwart the chances of larger rival males squid impregnating females.
Read moreThe wreck lies in an area of approximately 100 square meters several nautical miles southwest of the lighthouse island of Harmaja at a depth of 18 to 20 meters.
Read moreFollowing an initiative taken by Palau, the Pacific republic of the Marshall Islands will ban trade in shark products and commercial shark fishing throughout its waters.
Read moreNew research from the UK has discovered that tunicates, an ancient sea species dating back nearly five hundred million years, possess incredible regeneration properties.
Read moreAlthough it is quite a detailed chemical process, the potential applications are very interesting.
A joint study conducted by biologists at Scotland's St Andrews University and West Indies University experts has revealed that an entire population of guppies can be generated by the release of a single female fish.
Read moreU-533 was a Nazi German U-Boat (Type IXC/40) that operated during World War II between April 15, 1943 and October 16, 1943. It was first launched on September 11, 1942 with a crew of 53, under the command of Helmut Hennig.
Read moreIn doing so, they destroy fragile deep water ecosystems, which are extremely slow to recover.
Read moreMangrove forests, which are unique coastal tree and shrub habitats, are also under threat. They could represent an important breeding and nesting site for the species, which was thought to depend on coral reefs.
Read moreProfessor Hugh Possingham, director of The Ecology Centre at the University of Queensland, said the report is an important contribution to understanding the Coral Sea ecosystem.
Read moreDr Zachary Darnell and Assistant Professor Pablo Munguia tested a bunch of Gulf coast fiddler crabs (Uca Panacea) – both those who still had their major claws and those who had lost theirs.
In the experiment, researchers shone lamps on crabs with an intact major claw and on crabs that were missing theirs.
They measured the crabs' body temperature every 10 minutes and found that the crabs lacking the large claw took much longer to cool down.
Their study focussing on the Gulf coast fiddler crab (Uca Panacea) was recently published in the American Naturalist journal.
Read moreThe team of researchers focused on the short-term ecological effects of a wind farm in the North Sea. To do so, they analysed the effects of the offshore wind farm near Egmond aan Zee (OWEZ) on benthic organisms, fish, birds and marine mammals.
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