It is a globally recognised first aid in-the-field treatment, and it’s beneficial. Breathing oxygen may alleviate or even resolve DCS symptoms in a sick diver.
Read moreWhen AP Diving launched their Classic rebreather back in 1997, the diver needed two hands to operate the standard mouthpiece, (which is still available today). In basic terms this mouthpiece is effectively two barrels - one inside the other.
Read moreWe can suffer motion sickness when we go boat diving because we stand on a moving platform. The sensation befuddles the brain.
Read moreWhen it is all going pear-shaped underwater, you really want the thing you are going to stick into your mouth able to deliver the much needed gas you require without hassle.
Read moreWhen the European Standard for oxygen connection came into force in August 2008, it was supposed to help make diving safer.
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