200-year-old schooner found in Lake Ontario

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200-year-old schooner found in Lake Ontario

October 12, 2009 - 22:44

Two shipwreck enthusiasts say they discovered the wreck of an unknown schooner in deep water in Lake Ontario.

A view of the schooner resting on the bottom of Lake Ontario.

Jim Kennard and Dan Scoville told the Democrat and Chronicle of Rochester, N.Y., that they discovered the ship while conducting a deep sonar survey of Lake Ontario. They used a remote operated vehicle equipped with a camera to take images of the wreck, which is located about 10 miles from Oak Orchard, Orleans County.

The men said they made the discovery in September, but waiting until December to announce the find. They have been unable to find a name for the wreck, but believe it dates to around the time of the War of 1812.

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