Banner Ads – à la carte rates

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Banner Ads – à la carte rates

September 18, 2017 - 13:13

International standard banner ad sizes offered on

Dimensions, size templates and file formats

We carry the following international standard sizes of banner ads.

Click on the orange links below to produce a size template. It opens as a pop-up window.



Flat rate


Creative Unit Name Placement on pages Pr. 30 days (Cost pr thousand impressions)
Dimensions in pixels (w*h) Euro USD Euro USD
180 x 150
Articles € 170 $ 185 € 6 $ 8
Medium Rectangle
300 x 250
All (ROS) € 365 $ 395 € 21 $ 27
Sections € 275 $ 295
Articles € 275 $ 295
Super Leaderboard
970 x 90
All (ROS) € 450 $ 495 € 24 $ 30
728 x 90
Sections € 325 $ 345 € 16 $ 20
Wide Skyscraper
160 x 600
All (ROS) € 395 $ 445 € 24 $ 22
Sections € 325 $ 345
Articles € 325 $ 345
Half Page Ad
300 x 600
All (ROS) € 725 $ 795 € 39 $ 49
        € 100 / USD 125 minimum order.



Flat rate


Creative Unit Name   Pr. Newsletter Serial discounts
Dimensions in pixels (w*h) Euro USD    
180 x 150
  € 245 $ 300 — inquire  
Medium Rectangle
300 x 250
  € 485 $ 600    
Half Page Ad
300 x 600
  € 795 $ 990    

Max file load:  150 x 280;  80 Kb.    All other sizes listed:  200 Kb

Animation guidelines:   Max. animation lenght:  15 sec

Banner rotation:  Max. banners in each slot:   4


Frequency capping and geo-targetting options included at no additional charge (max. 12 simultaneous versions permitted).

Enhance your campaigns with Geo-targeting

In short, geo-targeting is a feature that enables our website to display different versions of your banner ads to different segments of the audience. For example, a version worded in German can displayed for visitors from Germany, or two different versions in English can be displayed in the UK and the US, respectively.

In-Banner Video & Rich Media

— inquire

Media Industry Standards apply

Check with IAB's ad unit guidelines for additional guidance on ad dimensions and file loads sizes.

News in images