The BDSG will endorse the resumption of diving, but not yet

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The BDSG will endorse the resumption of diving, but not yet

May 15, 2020 - 22:09
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Earlier today (Friday 15th May 2020) the British Diving Safety Group COVID-19 team met to discuss the ongoing situation.

Even though the sun is shining and we have got good visibility around our coasts, it is not the time to resume diving...yet. Please continue to adhere to your national guidelines.

At present this BDSG working group is convening on a weekly basis, in order to actively monitor and track the changes.

Every member of the team is an ardent scuba diver, hence they understand and share your keen desire to resume exploring our amazing British and Irish waters as soon as possible.

A spokesman for the BDSG stated “even though the sun is shining and we have got good visibility around our coasts, it is not the time to resume diving...yet. Please continue to adhere to your national guidelines.

In Scotland and Wales you are expected to ‘stay at home’, in Ireland you can ‘travel no more that 5Km’ and in England you can ‘only travel in a household group or meet one other person whilst maintain a 2m distance’. This makes diving virtually impossible.

We are actively working towards being able to endorse recreational and technical diving activities, as well as being mindful that we must protect those who work in and serve our sport. We believe that when we are able to advocate diving, that shore diving will be the first area to open up, because it naturally lends itself to social distancing above the surface.

In the meantime please stay alert, and as close to your home as you are able to. As soon as we are able to endorse British and Irish diving activities, we will.


Fact File

The British Diving Safety Group (BDSG) was formed in 2002 to promote safe diving practices amongst the British sport diving community. It is chaired by the RNLI. The group has broad representation, with all of the UK diver training agencies, the HSE and the MCA having a seat at the table. These organisations regularly meet in order to work towards a common goal; to make diving safer. By sharing and analysing incident data, devising safety initiatives and then promoting them to divers, the group has a broad influence on the recreational diving community. The comprehensive nature of the BDSG, reflecting as it does all of the significant interests in the British sport diving scene means that it is uniquely positioned to significantly influence diving safety.

BDSG Members

The members are

  • BHA (British Hyperbaric Association)
  • BSAC (British Sub Aqua Club)
  • DAN Europe (Divers Alert Network)
  • DDRC Healthcare (Diving Diseases Research Centre)
  • DDST (Defence Diving Standards Team)
  • Diving Ireland (Irish Underwater Federation)
  • GADAP (Global Association of Diving Assistance Providers)
  • GUE (Global Underwater Explorers)
  • HSE Diving Inspectorate (Health & Safety)
  • IANTD (International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers)
  • IDEST (Inspectorate for Diving Equipment, Servicing and Testing)
  • FIDS (Inland Dive Sites Association)
  • MCA (Maritime and Coastguard Agency)
  • PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors)
  • PBA (Professional Boatman’s Association)
  • PSAI Europe (Professional Scuba Association International)
  • RAID UK & Malta (Rebreather Association of International Divers)
  • RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institute)
  • SAA (Sub Aqua Association)
  • ScotSac (Scottish Sub Aqua Club)
  • SITA (Scuba Industries Trade Association)
  • SSI (Scuba Schools International)
  • TDI SDI (Technical Diving International / Scuba Diving International)
  • UK DMC (Diving Medical Committee)

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