Can a Lobster be an Archaeologist?

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Can a Lobster be an Archaeologist?

July 11, 2019 - 00:07
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Members and friends of SUT (Society for Underwater Technology) have written and funded a children's book entitled 'Can a Lobster be an Archaeologist?'.

This 16 page colouring book can be downloaded for free

The states that this is "a fun, informative, illustrated book for 10 - 14 year olds aimed at growing interest in the wonders of underwater technology."

The book is packed with factual and fun stories - lost treasure, ocean rubbish, sea monster and how to build your own ROV - and benefits from quirky illustrations by artist Rachel Hathaway.

SUT has also made available a colouring book that contains a small selection of the stories, that have been adapted for young readers (aged 7+) by SUT's Emily Boddy. This free book enables children to really engage with the stories and get creative.

The Title

In 1999 a lobster was discovered by divers from the Maritime Archaeology Trust. The lobster had been digging an underwater burrow to live in. During the process the lobster had excavated flints and human tools. The divers took a closer look at the site, and ultimately discovered a 8,000 year old settlement near the Isle of Wight, England.

Useful Link

To purchase
Follow the above link, scroll down and follow the prompts to download a free copy of the colouring book.

The Authors

The colouring book includes chapters written by the following authors.

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