Deep 6 Gear New Regulator

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Deep 6 Gear New Regulator

October 16, 2015 - 14:51
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When you sit down and think about how we speak, it is fascinating to realise just how many phrases in common everyday use have originated from seafaring, in particular from the days of sail.

Most people will not understand the original nautical meaning of; 'give a wide berth', 'cut and run', 'hand over fist', 'hard and fast', 'chock-a-block' and high and dry'. And even when it does have some obvious sea connection in the phrase, we use these phrases so often, it doesn't register that the words came from seafaring and sailing; 'a shot across the bow', 'between the Devil and the deep blue sea', 'batten down the hatches' and 'know the ropes'.

Why am I discussing the colourful evolution of the English language? A new company - 'Deep 6 Gear' - is launching at the 2015 DEMA Show. 'Deep six' is also an old nautical term, where something would be thrown away in a depth of water of six fathoms of water, so that it was beyond easy recovery. A fathom is 6 feet or 1.8 metre, therefore when you 'deep six' something it would have been thrown into water at least 36 ft / 11 mt deep. As an aside, this the minimum legal depth for a burial at sea, but I digress.

Today whilst 'deep six' can mean to throw something away, cancel or halt an action, it can also be interpreted as not accepting the status quo, and this is where 'Deep 6 Gear' got their name.

Deep 6 Gear are unveiling their début collection at this year's DEMA Show. The equipment range includes a high performance regulator that is so new, it is yet to be named.

We do know the first stage is a balanced diaphragm therefore it will give the diver a consistent breathe, regardless of depth or pressure. Deep 6 Gear have stated this reg will come with an environmental cold water kit as standard, and have 5 low pressure and 2 high pressure ports. These will be placed to provide optimal routing for sidemount, twinset, stage and of course single tank diving.

The first stage has been finished with a coat of PVD, or Physical vapor deposition. The chrome is coated using a vapour of material that provides a thin protective film, thus making this first stage more resistant to chips and scratches when compared to the standard chrome finish used on some regulators.

The pneumatically balanced adjustable second stage has been fitted with a Turbine Poppet (patent pending) and a pre-dive / dive knob that should provide a comfortable breathing reg.

Deep 6 Gear has advised that the (patent pending) silicone hose will be fitted with marine grade 316 stainless steel fittings. Apparently this hose is lighter than a rubber version and heavier than a braided nylon hose. Does this make it the Goldilocks of diving hoses? The purge button is also soft silicone, making for a rather eye-catching regulator.

What has been good to hear is that Deep 6 Gear has 'deep sixed' one time use plastic bags. They are looking at the packaging, so that as many products as they can, will come in reusable gear bags. Good call Deep 6 Gear.

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