Dive Lecture Tickets Now Available

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Dive Lecture Tickets Now Available

January 08, 2016 - 18:23
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The London Dive Chamber hosts an annual lecture evening at the Royal Geographical Society in London.

London Diving Chamber

This year the 17th Dive Lecture will be held on Wednesday 9th March 2016.

These are a great opportunity for the diving community to enjoy a social evening of extreme and exhilarating underwater adventures, as told by some of the diving industry's most renowned and exciting discoverers.

Previous speakers have included award winning cinematographers Doug Allen and Michael Pitts; television presenters Monty Halls and Paul Rose; respected explorer Rick Stanton and the renowned photographer Alex Mustard.

Graham Hancock (best-selling author and marine biologist) and Nat Geo 'Wild' presenter Pat Spain will deliver the two key note talks. The evening will be opened at 7pm by scuba diver, Lord John Prescott.

Entrance to this event has traditionally always been free because it is a benevolent fundraiser for the . Attendees are therefore requested to dig deep and bring a pocketful of cash to help fill the Scuba Trust buckets on the night. This is Trust's biggest fund raiser of the year!

Tickets are known to go extremely quickly, so register to avoid missing out on your place.

Doors open at 18.00 with the event commencing at 19.00

, 1 Kensington Gore, London, SW7 2AR

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