Divers Alert Network Announces $10,000 Dive Research Grant

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Divers Alert Network Announces $10,000 Dive Research Grant

March 19, 2019 - 22:40
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Press Release

Divers Alert Network is now accepting applications for the 2019 DAN/R.W. “Bill” Hamilton Dive Medicine Research Grant.


The year-long, US$10,000 grant supports new or ongoing research projects in one or more of the following areas:

  • Development of decompression procedure techniques for commercial, military, technical and/or recreational divers
  • Development of new decompression models
  • Probability of risk or probabilistic modeling
  • Multi-gas dive simulation
  • Dive computer procedures, protocols and testing
  • reatment of incomplete decompression and resulting incidents

“Decompression safety was Bill Hamilton’s life’s work,” said Petar Denoble, DAN Vice President of Mission. “We established this grant to carry on his legacy and to support the next generation of researchers studying diving physiology and advanced decompression procedures. We’re excited to help fund and promote research that builds on Bill’s work and that can ultimately help save lives.”

DAN established the research grant in honor of Dr. R.W. “Bill” Hamilton, who passed away in 2011 at the age of 81. Hamilton, nicknamed The Prince of Gases, conducted research on dive physiology and the treatment of injured divers. He authored numerous papers, reports and workshop proceedings. He is perhaps best known for co-developing the Diving Computational Analysis Program (DCAP), a computer program that analyzes and develops decompression procedures and schedules for a wide variety of exposures to pressure.

Applicants can be involved in any aspect of dive-related sciences, but the spirit of the program is to support projects closely related to Dr. Hamilton’s studies. The grant is open to applicants at any stage of their professional education or career, and recipients are required to present their results to DAN.

To apply for the R.W. Hamilton Memorial Dive Research Grant, email Frauke Tillmans at FTillmans@DAN.org. The deadline for applications is April 24, 2019. The grant recipient will be notified by May 15, 2019.

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