How to submit

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How to submit

November 29, 2010 - 03:31

You can submit by email, dropbox, upload through ftp or you can send it through the ol' snail mail.

If you put it in the mail make sure it is properly wrapped


X-RAY Mag and its affiliates are not responsible for lost or damaged materials or loss or damages resulting from electronic transfer or communications. Personal information is held confidential and will not be released without the individual´s written permission.

By email:

Gunild Symes, Managing Editor & Art Director:

Expect a confirmation of the receipt of your email within 2-3 days. We may be out of office for a short while but if you don't hear back please try again.

Dropbox account:

Upload via ftp:

Please put all your images in one folder named with the subject matter and your name and upload that whole folder in one go


user: Upload
pass: sendfiles2020

Note that since files and folders uploaded to the server will be protected against accidental deletes and overwrites you won't be able to re-upload files under the same name.

Should you therefore need to re-upload anything i.e. corrections, the new files must be given files names that differ. For example, you can just append '_new' to the name of any corrected files.

By snail-mail:

X-Ray Magazine
Ahornsgade 6
2200 N

News in images