It's time to submit your 2021 Lavanchy Award nomination

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It's time to submit your 2021 Lavanchy Award nomination

October 27, 2020 - 17:13
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The European Underwater Federation 'Lavanchy Award' was first given at the 2017 Boot Show.

The 2020 Lavanchy Award Winner - Franz Brümmer - is pictured here on the right with the Steffen Scholz (EUF President) at BOOT.2020

The award recognises an individual who has enthusiastically contributed to the European diving community and it was named in honour of .

The EUF has now confirmed that nominations are open for the 2020 award.

EUF Lavanchy Award Winners

  • 2017 Deric Ellerby
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021 ?
  • Award Criteria

    Diving pioneer Jack Lavanchy, a former Life Honorary Vice President of the EUF, was personally instrumental in the initial development and growth of European recreational diving. During his lifetime, Jack strived tirelessly to persuade the members of the diving community to work together for the good of the sport and the benefit of divers everywhere.

    The Lavanchy Award recognises this ethos. Do you know someone with these qualities? The person should also be able to meet the following criteria:

    • The individual should have made a significant contribution to the European sport diving community
    • The nominee’s actions should have generally encouraged cooperation within the community and have consistently shown a willingness to advance the sport
    • The nominee may have been employed in the diving industry or contributed voluntarily
    • The award is generally made to a single person, however it might be awarded to a small team who consistently worked together for the benefit of the sport diving community
    • The nominee cannot be an organisation or company
    • The nominee shall be living or, exceptionally, recently deceased
    • The nominee can be of any nationality, age or sex

    The candidates will first be screened as suitable by the EUF Board, then voted on by the members of the EUF.

    Nominations must be submitted by .

    Sources and references

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