Ocean Maps creates 3D interactive dive site maps in Palau

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Ocean Maps creates 3D interactive dive site maps in Palau

March 27, 2017 - 20:16

Press Release

Ocean Maps, an Austrian startup, is creating the world’s first interactive, 3D maps based on accurate geographic data for divers and dive shops. The team measures with sonar, satellite and video data to ensure the maps are as accurate and realistic as possible so users know what to expect during a dive.

This month, Ocean Maps undertook the venture of mapping dive sites in Palau with the help of Chris Lubba from Palau Dive Adventures. Two Ocean Maps team members set off on boats from March 8-11 to measure 28 sites including the Blue Hole and the German Channel. The company had recently purchased new equipment and the Palau expedition was its maiden voyage.

The Ocean Maps app is ideal for dive shops and instructors since it features four different visualization modes that allow users to see sites in a natural view with water, without it, in a setting with depth lines and a mode that simulates a real dive. This dive mode is the most interesting feature since it gives users a taste of the dive they’ll be embarking on. The app features hot spots, tours and site information, which makes it ideal for dive planning.

Ocean Maps hopes to increase safe diving through adequate planning. Dive shops often use the app’s features to brief customers ahead of dives. By being adequately prepared, divers are able to fully enjoy the dive without worrying about what they have to do when underwater.

The accurate data and interactive nature of the app is a stark contrast from the current hand drawn maps that are often used to brief divers. These maps are drawn from memory and can be distorted. With Ocean Maps, dive schools can aptly prepare clients in an engaging manner to ensure everyone is ready for the impending dive.

The maps could eradicate costly and sometimes risky dives. It is not about avoiding these challenging dives, but by adequately prepping clients, dive shops can rest easy knowing the margin of safety is incredibly high.

Ocean Maps’ previous apps were released to the public, but the Palau app will be available exclusively to dive shops in the area and will be released within a month. If you’re interested in purchasing it or seeing a demo, please contact: office@ocean-maps.com.

Ocean Maps has mapped the Attersee (Austria), the Kreidesee (Germany), the Red Sea (Egypt), Florida and now Palau. Indonesia, the Philippines and Mexico
will be mapped next. Attersee, Kreidesee, Red Sea and Florida apps can be found in the Google Play and iOS App Store.

For more information visit www.ocean-maps.com.

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