Poseidon Launches New Rebreather Website

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Poseidon Launches New Rebreather Website

February 17, 2015 - 07:45
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Press Release

We are excited to announce that our new website dedicated to rebreathers, http://rebreather.poseidon.com, has officially been launched.

To date, there has not been an effective online resource for learning all about rebreathers. This has made it really challenging for a diver interested in becoming a rebreather diver to find helpful and practical information. Poseidon has just solved this problem by creating a website dedicated to answering the key questions people have about rebreather diving:

1. What is a Rebreather?
Covers the basic aspects of what a rebreather is and how it works, as well as the differences between types of rebreathers.
2. How do I become a Rebreather Diver?
Goes into detail about the steps to becoming a rebreather diver whether you are already an open circuit diver or have never dived before.
3. Where can I go Rebreather diving?
Contains a Rebreather Center Locator map for you to easily contact the Rebreather Center closest to you, and talks about the services Rebreather Centers have to offer.

Additionally, the site goes into detail about the Poseidon SE7EN and what sets it apart from other rebreathers, and provides specialized support and resources for MKVI and SE7EN divers.

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