Shark Angels 2019 Online Auction for World Oceans Day

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Shark Angels 2019 Online Auction for World Oceans Day

May 24, 2019 - 01:29

Press Release

Shark Angels, a U.S. based non-profit dedicated to protecting sharks worldwide, is thrilled to launch their 3rd World Oceans Day online auction May 27- June 9.


Shark Angels, a U.S. based non-profit dedicated to protecting sharks worldwide, is thrilled to launch their 3rd World Oceans Day online auction on May 27- June 9 via .

You will be able to score a great deal on scuba diving trips around the world including destinations like Fiji, the Bahamas, the Philippines, & Raja Ampat as well as a fantastic underwater light, a celebrity cooking experience, sports tickets & more, all while helping Shark Angels to continue their mission.

By bidding on these exciting auction items, you’ll fuel critical campaigns and play a vital role in protecting not just a threatened species, but also the oceans. Shark Angels employs grassroots outreach, creative media, and educational campaigns to inspire a global movement to save sharks – and the ecosystems they keep healthy. The health of the world’s oceans depends on healthy shark populations, and every creature on earth depends on healthy oceans for survival.

“We’ve been thrilled with the support from our donors and are very excited about this auction,” says Executive Director, Jamie Pollack. By bidding on the items, sharing the link far and wide, or making a donation, you can help Shark Angels make a difference. “You too, can be a guardian angel for sharks. Earn your wings today.” –Jamie Pollack

Link to site:

Link to auction:

Dates of auction: May 27-June 9

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