SHARKNET: Safer and Social Diving

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SHARKNET: Safer and Social Diving

March 27, 2017 - 20:01

Press Release

We ran into the posts of this new device for divers and, as we understood that it has nothing to do with keeping away sharks, we began to look at it more closely.
We discovered a high tech, stylish safety device that attaches to our diving gear and automatically performs some useful functions. Here are some of them.

If the diver gets lost or has any other emergency while at the surface, the user just double taps SHARKNET and the device sends out alarm messages to all the contacts that the diver previously chose. If the emergency is underwater, the device needs to be released to the surface: it will communicate the depth as well.

Automatic logbook
SHARKNET automatically records the geographic location of the diving spot and (like a diving computer) the depth profile of the dive. Upon completion of the dive, however, SHARKNET automatically transmits all data to the web space of the user, where we’ll always be able to see all our dives nicely displayed on Google Earth and all their details: like an electronic logbook but that automatically updates itself.

Social diving tool!
If we dive in group, links to all participants to the dive will also be noted in our logbook: being shy is not an excuse anymore not to stay in touch! In addition to this function, however, any SHARKNET owner will always be able to navigate among the profiles of other users and ask some useful queries. Some examples:
• A diver planning his first dive in Key Largo might ask: “Show me the divers owning at least an advanced license, that have logged at least 50 dives and who dove at Key Largo in the past year. I want to get in touch and ask for advice”.
• A technical diver planning for a dive to Yucatan Cenotes might ask to the SHARKNET app: “Tell me if somebody made the same dive at more than 150 feet in the past week, as I want to ask about visibility”.
• Any of us might simply look for a new dive buddy but, at the same time, look for him or her filtering by experience, actual (logged) dive time or depth (and, yes: also by gender, age and location, of course).
• When we look for a new dive center for our holidays, we might visit their SHARKNET page and check the actual number of dives they arrange, their real duration or even get in touch with any of their former customer that (based on the experience level that we like) we deem to be best suited to provide us with a valuable opinion.

The status of the project
SHARKNET is a project of a company born from the Engineering University of Milan, Italy. They are now completing the final tests and are getting ready to launch their product by this summer. We’ll keep monitoring the status and we’ll let you know when the product is ready for sale. Check out the SHARKNET website and register to get updates directly from them.


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