Singapore establishes its first marine park

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Singapore establishes its first marine park

July 16, 2014 - 18:05

Singapore's southern Sisters' Islands, and the waters around them, will be the site of the country's first marine park.

Sisters' Islands, located south of Singapore

The Sisters’ Islands Marine Park will protect Singapore’s coral reefs, which support an ecosystem inhabited by rare and endangered species of seahorses, clams, sponges and other marine life. More than 250 species of hard corals can be found in Singapore’s waters out of over 500 species within the region.

Being located in close proximity to one of the world’s busiest ports, the Marine Park will provide a safe refuge for the teeming biodiversity around the Southern Islands and its surrounding waters, as well as safeguard the natural heritage of Singapore.

With the new Sisters' Island Marine Park, I hope that even more Singaporeans will enjoy and value our natural richness-The charm of the Sisters' Islands is in their undeveloped character, and... the marine environment is fragile.

—Desmond Lee, Minister of State for National Development

A number of nature groups have come on board to offer outreach activities like intertidal walks and guided dives to encourage greater appreciation of Singapore's native marine biodiversity.

Following the introductory guided walks held this year, more activities are being planned to be rolled out next year. These include workshops, seminars, camps and talks at the outreach and education centre on St John's Island. School groups can also be involved in monitoring programmes which will contribute to data collected for marine biodiversity research.

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