1 minute
Solomons - The Spirit of Morovo
A dark cloud developed ahead of me. Curious, I swam nearer to investigate. The cloud billowed getting bigger and darker. Inside flashes of silver struck like a highveld thunderstorm. The cloud undulated with tumultuous movement.
It was massive. As it twisted towards me I made out the characteristic shape of barracudas—the long sleek body, dark chevron markings and the mean looking straight jaw line. Thousands and thousands of barracuda were swimming together in tight synchronized formation.
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Originally published
X-Ray Mag #14
Going Down Under: AUSTRALIA: Tiger Sharks - Byron Bay - Bondi Beach - Ningaloo Reef - Tasmania Kent Group. Ecology: Stingrays. Stop the Killings. Diving with DIABETES. Discover SOLOMON Islands. Do it Right, writes Leigh Cunningham. Photography: Profile of ScubaZoo. Shopping for the Holiday: Stocking Stuffers. Portfolio: David Pilosof: "Somebody forgot his fins?"