#ThisGirlCanDive - 2020 Campaign launched

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#ThisGirlCanDive - 2020 Campaign launched

January 20, 2020 - 17:26
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In 2015, Sport England launched the groundbreaking campaign to get women of any shape, size, ability and background, to get active and move more.

You can download a #ThisGirlCanDive frame from Facebook and update your profile image

At the time, research indicated that 40% of women (and 35% of men) aged 16 and over were not physically active enough to get the full health benefits of sport. According to Sport England, 75% of women would like to exercise more, but were put off by issues ranging from body confidence to motherhood.

BSAC embraces

As divers and snorkellers we can relate - it’s not about how you look - but how getting out and active makes you feel. Mary Tetley, BSAC CEO

The British Sub Aqua Club (BSAC) embraced the campaign and introduced an initiative to get more women into and enjoying scuba diving, using the hashtag . (In 2015, only 27% of BSAC members were female—this percentage is fairly standard worldwide in recreational diving).

Now is back, and supported by a brand-new TV advert designed to inspire more women and girls to take part in sport and physical activity. The advert shows the raw, unfiltered reality of women exercising in whatever way that works for them.

More realistic imagery in diving

has also had a visual impact. In the last five years, we have began to see more relatable images in advertising and social media. Debbie Powell, BSAC's Marketing Manager has noticed it too. "Sport England is calling for influencers, media and brands to feature more realistic and diverse imagery of women. We will continue our efforts with this—we are proud of our women and girls as they are—real divers are our sport's best advert."

This Girl Can, Scuba Dive, BSAC, British Sub Aqua Club, XRay Magazine, X-Ray Magazine, Rosemary E Lunn, Roz Lunn

How can you get involved?

Mary Tetley, BSAC's CEO stated, "As divers and snorkellers, we can relate to the campaign’s message—it’s not about how you look but how getting out and active makes you feel… and the fun you have on the way."

You don't need to be a member of BSAC to get involved. You can join in by sharing a favourite photo or happy memory of you diving with the hashtag and then nominate three of your female diving friends to do the same. You can also download the BSAC profile frame from Facebook and update your image. If you are a club, BSAC has put together some insight and advice to help attract more women. (See the links in the resource box at the bottom of this article).

Together, let’s try to get more women into the sport we love!

Sources and references

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