Treasure discovery on 1715 wreck off Florida

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Treasure discovery on 1715 wreck off Florida

August 15, 2014 - 16:48

Blue Water Ventures International working off the coast of Ft. Pierce, FL, recovered a beautiful gold coin along with a number of silver coins and other shipwreck related artifacts.

BWVI recovered a beautiful gold coin along with a number of silver coins and other shipwreck related artifacts

The Douglas Beach Wreck is one of the richest Spanish galleon shipwreck sites off the coast of Florida and in the past has produced thousands of gold coins and tens of thousands of silver coins as well as significant amounts of gold jewelry and a wealth of artifact materials both of intrinsic and historical value.

Though a majority of its work is done in virgin territory on one of the 1715 Fleet wrecks site, known as Douglas Beach Wreck, BWVI’s Captain John Brandon and the M/V Endeavor crew made the discovery during the exploration of an excavated area of the site.

Along with the coins were discovered broken pieces of Kang Hsi Chinese porcelain, shards of pottery, ships spikes, encrusted objects and scattered ballast stones; all significant archaeological indicators of potential future recoveries.

BWVI believes its recent discoveries may point the way to future significant discoveries in unexplored areas of the Douglas Beach Wreck site.

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