UK cylinder testing update

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UK cylinder testing update

July 26, 2017 - 20:12
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A multi-agency meeting was held in London yesterday—25 July 2017—to discuss cylinder testing protocols in the UK.

The attendees were the Association of Diving Contractors International (ADC), Association of Scuba Service Engineers and Technicians (ASSET), BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), British Compressed Gases Association (BCGA), BSAC (British Sub Aqua Club), Health & Safety Executive (HSE), International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA), Metropolitan Police Service diving section, Ministry of Defence (MOD) and PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors).

The group discussed and agreed on a way forward on cylinder testing that maintains the current testing periods with variations for specific high-risk cylinders within the commercial (non-recreational) sectors.

We understand that further updates will be released when the guidance has been finally agreed upon; however, the introduction of the new annual visual inspection standard is unlikely to affect recreational divers.

The meeting was hosted by BSAC.

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