WDHOF is calling for outstanding female diver nominations

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WDHOF is calling for outstanding female diver nominations

July 18, 2019 - 12:21
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The USA based diver recognition initiative - Women Divers Hall of Fame - is calling for potential candidates for the 2020 class.

If you know a female diver who has made an outstanding contribution to our underwater world you can .

Your candidate must meet two criteria to be considered for membership. She must actually be an underwater diver, and her contribution must be recognised as significant. The deadline for electronically submitting nominations is 30 August 2019.

WHOF was founded in 1999. Alumni include pioneers, leaders, innovators and world record holders throughout the international diving community: (technical diving journalist), (pioneering technical diver and cave explorer and former depth record holder), (Anatomy and Physiology Professor), and (former Diving Safety Officer, Public Safety Diver instructor / trainer and recognised expert).

All areas of diving and undersea endeavours are encompassed: the arts, science, medicine, exploration, marine archeology, business, media, training and education, safety, commercial and military diving, free diving and underwater sports.

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