Disposal contact lenses, like many plastic items, do exert a toll on the environment once they vanish from our sight down the sink or toilet bowl.
Read moreA new study has revealed that titanium dioxide, an ingredient found in some sunscreens, has the potential to harm marine life.
Read moreEutrophication.
A big word, and an even bigger problem that’s growing larger by the second.
Read moreThe National Wildlife Refuge System - within the U.S.
Read moreAccording to researchers at the University of Sydney, global tourism’s carbon footprint is four times greater than previously believed Some gases, including carbon dioxide and methane, trap heat in the atmosphere, producing a "greenhouse effect"
Read moreThe BBC has just invested several million pounds and four years of filming Blue Planet II. Its key and primary message is to educate the world that our oceans are overwhelmed with plastic pollution. And the message is getting through.
Read moreThis morning The York Press - a British newspaper - reported that a York-bas
Read moreA Palace spokesman confirmed that "across the organisation, the Royal Household is committed to reducing its environmental impact” hence these new waste plans are being outlined.
Read moreAfter conducting a study involving coral reefs in the Asia-Pacific region, an international team of scientists discovered that reefs that are in contact with plastic trash have an immensely higher risk of being infected with disease.
Read moreO'Leary stated that the NTA was "acknowledging a remarkable series that has moved us to action and is leaving an indelible mark on our world."
, ,But the true impact that the BBC natural history series made was to highlight the overwhelming global problem we have with plastic pollution and how it is killing life and poisoning our oceans.
,The UK National Television Awards were founded in 1995. The winners are decided by a public vote.
Read moreThe fatberg was as hard as concrete and took specialist workers nine weeks to chip it away and clear it.
Read moreMarine animals like fish and turtles have been found to consume plastic trash in the oceans because of its resemblance to prey.
Read moreProzac is an antidepressant used to treat depression and some other mental medical conditions. Over the years, it and other medicinal substances have been finding their way into the oceans, via the sewage system.
Read moreAfter receiving over 100 comments on social media from the public and the scuba diving community imploring the WHH Charity to cancel the balloon release, the charity issued the following statement:
Read moreThis is the third year running that Ghost Fishing UK has visited this iconic dive site.
Read moreWhen Professor R Eugene Turner from the Louisiana State University studied the size of menhaden over the years, he discovered that the fish had shrunk by about 15 percent over the past 65 years.
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