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X-Ray Mag #16

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X-Ray Mag #16

March 22, 2007 - 18:46
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PHILIPPINES - Diving the Visayas. AMBON - the spice islands in Indonesia. Protecting the Sharks: Wolfgang Leander + Rob Stewart/Sharkwater movie. Divemedicine: Why antioxidants protects divers. NEW Zealand - land of the Kiwis. Rebreathers: Comfort and Efficiency. WHY shoot video. SPRING DIVE Fashion. Science: The Black Sea. New Equipment. Report from Moscow.

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30 Mb

Main features in this issue include:


October 13, 2011 - 23:34
The story is found: 
on page 35

“Have a great time, but keep your head down!” This was the response I received from a diving friend after announcing I was planning a visit to Ambon. At least he knew where it was; my announcement to friends in Toronto drew blank stares. When I mentioned the Spice Islands, a dawn of recognition crept into their eyes. It was a place they’d vaguely heard of but had no idea whatsoever as to their location.

New Zealand

October 13, 2011 - 23:18
The story is found: 
on page 75

The Maori warrior cautiously moved towards us. His face was painted and body adorned in traditional combatant attire. He yelled words I did not understand and pounded the ground with his spear-like weapon to challenge us. More warriors appeared out of the darkness behind him, each taking defensive positions with wide eyes and tongues out to intimidate. Like the other visitors around me, I froze with excitement, waiting for their next move.

Our guide spoke their language and understood their ways as he coached the leader we selected on what to say and do.

Philippines: Diving the Visayas

October 13, 2011 - 23:34
The story is found: 
on page 27

The “Visayas” is a group of islands that comprises the central portion of the Philippine archipelago. A few Visayan islands are popular among travelers, such as Cebu and Boracay; while the majority remain low-profile but nonetheless exquisite. I have been regularly diving in the Visayas during the last six years.

Malapascua Island

Rebreather comfort

October 13, 2011 - 23:21
The story is found: 
on page 87

Most of the articles one can find about rebreathers deal with potential problems and limits of these wonderful pieces of kit. They give extensive information about oxygen sensors, scrubber duration, electronics and any of the risks associated with this kind of equipment. Becoming proficient with the emergency procedures is a very important component of training and experience.

Unfortunately even some experienced rebreather divers are not comfortable and efficient with their rig. Their equipment is a mess and you hardly see their face underneath 200 hoses, straps and D-rings.  

Rob Stewart

October 13, 2011 - 23:32
The story is found: 
on page 71

Depending on who you ask, humans are responsible for removing between 20 million and 100 million sharks per year from the oceans. Considered a delicacy in many parts of the world, shark fins are served at Chinese weddings and business dinners throughout Southeast Asia and the Pacific Rim. The problem with finning is two-fold.

Recently, X-Ray Magazine got the chance to talk to Rob about Sharkwater and his experience filming it. Despite all the awards his film has won, he hasn’t let it go to his head. Impressively, Rob was down-to-earth, accessible, and interesting.

Why shoot video?

October 13, 2011 - 23:32
The story is found: 
on page 93

In the past we’ve focused on teaching you about underwater still photography, including (amongst other topics) equipment, locations and techniques. In the next few issues, we’re going to be diversifying a little, with a series of articles about underwater video.

As with any topic, there are various degrees of understanding to underwater video. For now, we’re going to be concentrating on helping you get to grips with the basics, and we’ll be breaking it down into small digestible topics, which will include:

Why Vitamins Protect Divers

October 13, 2011 - 23:23
The story is found: 
on page 60

Does diving produce free radicals? Can vitamins really protect divers from some the physiological effects of diving? X-Ray Mag’s own editor and medical doctor Andrey Bizyukin conducted a series of experiments to find out.

Does diving produce free radicals? Can vitamins really protect divers from some the physiological effects of diving? X-Ray Mag’s own editor and medical doctor Andrey Bizyukin conducted a series of experiments to find out.