And yet the most common reaction I get when I tell people I’m off to dive in Roatan is, “Isn’t that somewhere in South America?” Roatan, it seems, remains something of an undiscovered treasure. So, I’ve decided to change that.
Read moreI had returned from my second trip to Palau and, like the first trip, it was amazing.
Read moreTo get a better understanding of what BC has to offer, let’s take a closer look at each region. Keep in mind however; most of the underwater life you will encounter can also be found at multiple locations.
Read moreI am not a diver first. I am an artist/photographer, but as I was fortunate enough to move to Florida in the United States as a teenager, diving has been a part of my life for 30 years.
Read moreStraddling the Equator, it is the highest summit of the Galápagos group. Over the last 700,000 years, the six volcanoes of Isabela Island—Cerro Azul, Sierra Negra, Alcedo, Darwin, Wolf and Ecuador—have evolved into gigantic calderas.
Read moreMy dive buddy Simon’s left arm shot out, index finger extended, and he clenched his right fist and stuck it on the side of his head. I quickly scanned left and right, peering through my mask into the milky blue water. “Where?!
Read moreTasi Tolu gets its name from the three fresh water lakes just inland from the beach and below the nearby foothills. During the rainy season, the lakes tend to fill to capacity and then overflow, flooding the nearby road and villages.
Read moreSwarms of doctor-, handle- and butterflyfish could be on anything of it and seemed to dance around us effortlessly.
Read moreWith my dive buddy, Yakov Samovarov, I would dive the missile wreck, Satil. I asked Yakov to tell me about the day’s dive. “Six or seven years ago, I did my first dive on Satil,” said Yakov.
Read moreGeographically, located in a subtropical region and conditioned by the southerly branches of the Gulf Stream, the archipelago has moderate climate all year round, with no great yearly thermal amplitudes.
Read moreDuring the 210-kilometer taxi transfer from the airport to Kas, there was no conversation with Mehmet—not a word—but I learned a lot about life here on the goose chase through Antalya’s metropolis of around 700,000 inhabitants.
All things connected—the lush green forrests, tiny quiet villages on the water’s edge, deserted beaches, wooden schooners anchored in the bays, and the attractions of the deep azur ocean.
Read moreThe allure of this island nation has always beckoned, and as I was going to be in North Queensland, the opportunity was too good to pass up.
Read moreWhen I found out I would be traveling to Egypt for three weeks in June, I immediately began making regular visits to a local sauna to prepare my body to withstand the heat for which northern Africa is famous.
Read moreSulewesi came on my radar when I first set eyes on Roger Steene’s book, Coral Seas, published in 1998. At the time, the last thing on my wish list was another coffee table book.
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