Together with countries like Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Finland, mountainous Austria is one of the areas in Europe richest in freshwater. And the water is clean. Ninety-nine percent of Austrians have access to potable ground- and spring water.
Read moreThese Rock Islands are significant of Palau’s natural wonder. The bases of these rounded limestone isles have been undercut by eons of water and biological process, creating an optical illusion of them being afloat on the turquoise lagoon.
Read moreBefore embarking on the Nautilus Swell, there was a chance to spend a few days in Juneau. This town started as a gold-mining camp in 1880. When Alaska became the 49th state of the United States in 1959, Juneau became the capital.
Lanzarote attracts something around a million visitors a year with its good weather, low rainfall, clean streets, towns and beaches, lack of hassle, low crime and generally informal, friendly atmosphere. About 15,000 of those visitors go diving.
Read moreIt probably dates me a bit, but I remember when Sharm el Sheikh was a small, sleepy village at the tip of the barren Sinai peninsula, which was reached by overnight coach from Cairo.
Read moreNuweiba is a natural oasis, it spreads over about 40km of gently sloping flood plane surrounded by the majestic Sinai mountains inland and the Gulf.
Read moreEach more or less erudite traveler I questioned told to me that Kamchatka is the land of volcanoes. Of the more than 600 volcanoes on the planet, 160 of them are located on the peninsula of Kamchatka, and 30 of them are active.
Read moreGetting there proved somewhat easier than anticipated. I discovered a non-stop service to Roatan from my home in Toronto on Sunwing, a charter airline that just started flights this past winter.
Read moreTo be honest, Malta as a holiday destination, let alone a diving one, had never even crossed my mind. However, when X-RAY MAG’s very own Peter and Gunild Symes announced a weeklong dive trip and asked me along, I was immediately intrigued.
Read moreBinca, the hotel’s concierge, had everything prepared and our rooms were gorgeous. Set just above the resort’s white sand pool, our spacious suite came replete with a full kitchen, private balcony, large flat screen and fresh flowers.
Read moreThe Yapese are known to be a friendly, but traditional and shy people. Their shyness apparently does not include their entire wardrobe (although, woman’s thighs must be covered at all times, including visitors).
Read moreBut there is one thing I am not a fan of—and I’m pretty sure I’m not alone here—and that is the sagging, bitter disappointment I always feel when having to share my vacation with packs of people crowding every dive site and swarming each s
Read moreLocated 55 miles due east of Florida and roughly 100 miles from Ft. Lauderdale or Miami’s International Airports, Grand Bahama is easily accessible from the U.S. mainland by plane, boat or cruise ship.
Read moreOne of the reasons for the increasing use of the Bahamas for filming is of course the good diving conditions, so is that enough to attract sports oriented divers? Without rivers visibility is excellent, water temperatures are tropical or near. The Blue Hole diving rapidly becomes one for technical or even very technical dives with backup teams and lots of equipment, but some of this diving is possible and open for the recreational diver. Shark sighting is easily possible either naturally or on specialist shark dives.
Read moreUpon the railings and deck resides an outline of white plumose anemones, all varying in height.
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