Cave experts fly to Dominican Republic

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Cave experts fly to Dominican Republic

February 25, 2019 - 10:26
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We reported on 13 February 2019 of a possible double cave diving fatality in the Dominican Republic.

You can find the link .

An unpleasant but important job that someone has to do. Dr Richard 'Harry' Harris

Now two expert cave divers have been called in from overseas to recover the two Italian divers who died whilst diving Dudú Lagoon. This will be a tricky recovery because of visibility and restrictions.

Funds needed

There are very few divers in the world capable of conducting a safe cave rescue or recovery. In the main these people are volunteers, therefore their expenses are not automatically paid.

Last year Thai Airways kindly supported the Brits who flew out to Thailand, and ensured that their flights and luggage fees were covered, but this is does not always happen.

It is quite normal that rescue personnel have to self fund their flights, luggage, transfers, food, accommodation, gas, phone calls etc. In this instance it is quite likely that the international divers involved will incur total expenses in the region of US$6,000.

for the USA based 'Underwater Cave Rescue Relief Fund' has therefore been launched to cover the duo's expenses. Any extra monies raised will be held and used to help fund future rescues.

All donations are gratefully received no matter how small. Every penny / cent is used to cover out of pocket expenses.

One out

Within the last few minutes I have received confirmation from one of the rescue divers that a successful recovery of one person has been completed and all divers are safe.

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