Dr Simon Mitchell now edits 'Diving & Hyperbaric Medicine' Journal

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Dr Simon Mitchell now edits 'Diving & Hyperbaric Medicine' Journal

January 04, 2019 - 13:06
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DHM - 'Diving & Hyperbaric Medicine' Journal has a new editor.

Joe Cocozza (sat to the left) interviews Dr Simon Mitchell on pre breathing a rebreather at the 2015 'Beneath The Sea' Show

Professor is Head of the Department of Anaesthesiology at the School of Medicine, University of Auckland, a practicing anaesthesiologist and a diving physician. He is a much respected speaker at technical diving conferences, such as EUROTEK, and he's a lifelong passionate diver. Dr Mitchell has now taken over editing the DHM Journal from Professor Mike Davis.

Mike Davis has has been editing the Journal since 2002. At the time it was the 'South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society' Journal. This later morphed into the 'Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine' Journal in 2007. Then in 2008 SPUMS and the European Underwater and Baramedical Society became joint publishers of DHM. Mike Davis retired in December 2018, and he will remain on the editorial board as associate editor until June 2019.

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