Researchers in Australia have uncovered a massive “detached” coral reef off the Queensland coast, the first of its kind to be discovered in more than 120 years.
Read moreOutbreaks of crown-of-thorns starfish (CoTS) are bad news for coral reefs, so it is essential that they are detected and dealt with as soon as possible.
Read moreEvery summer, East Australian humpback whales migrate from the feeding grounds in Antarctica to their breeding grounds in the Great Barrier Reef.
Read moreAfter hitting a low of 300 individuals 30 years, humpback whale numbers off Australia’s east coast are soaring.
Read moreWidely known as a biodiversity hotspot for marine animals, Australia’s Bremer Canyon Marine Park has been found to also host rich, diverse ecosystems within the canyon’s cold waters.
Read moreScientists from Queensland Museum (QM), University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia completed a 21-day trip from the Capricorn Bunkers off Gladstone to Thursday Island in
Read moreNow housed in a new space on Level 4 of the exhibition center, AIDE has a new setup and ambience over the five-day event, including a dive education program with presentations and forums on scientific diving, ocean rescue, dive medicine and women
Read moreThe Australian authors - Dr Neil Banham (lead) and Dr John Lippmann - reported that a 26 year-old healthy male freediver dived to 10 m / 32.8 ft where he met a friend who was diving on scuba.
Read moreAfter studying humpback whales off Queensland's Peregian Beach, researchers discovered that the whales’ ability to communicate and socialise is adversely affected by the noise and presence of boats.
Read moreA report on social media stated that the 55-year-old diver was ascending from a 91.5 mt / 300 ft solo rebreather dive in Bonaire, and was found unresponsive on the reef at 24 mt / 80 ft with the loop out of her mouth.
,,Always smartly dressed in bright colours, her outfits matched her personality, a bright light and a true force of nature. Nicky Finn, AP Diving
, ,Fiona was always like a storm blowing through in the best possible ways. Lee Ann Hires, Dive Rite
Read moreShe was just a bundle of untamed energy. Lars Bosman
When investigating whether corals that split their spawning over multiple months are more successful at spreading their offspring across different reefs, researchers discovered that split spawning can indeed improve the coral reef's resilience.
Read moreThe decision has come after Humane Society International (HSI) earlier this year launched a challenge to the shark control program run by the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.
Read moreProfessor Simon J Mitchell is Head of the Department of Anaesthesiology at the School of Medicine,
Read moreThe Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull fast-tracked the award process for the nine men after public calls were made for the team to be officially recognised for their role.
, ,, Read morecharacter, grit and determination
In a groundbreaking partnership between the Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, the Australian Wine Research Institute and James Squire Brewery, the world’s oldest beer has been resurrected.
,Now, 20 years later, brewers are hoping to bring some of this old beer back to life using some of the yeast found on the ship.
,,I thought we might be able to culture yeast and recreate a beer that hasn’t been on the planet for 220 years
Prevention and responses to shark bites have varied temporally and regionally, and have included shark hunts, organised shark culling, beach meshing and drumlines, beach closures, shark fences, land and aerial based shark spotting, and acoustic te
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