A phone call is all that it takes

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A phone call is all that it takes

October 13, 2011 - 23:18

We have reported on the plight of the sea turtles before. We have reported how they were being butchered by the thousands. And we have asked for your support and signatures on a petition to stop the slaughter of these ancient ocean citizens.

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It is now time to report back that your support has made a real difference. But the fight is not quite over yet...

Originally published

on page 67

X-Ray Mag #20

December 12, 2007 - 18:56

Raja Ampat revisited. White Sea in the Russian North. Dive lamps - how to choose. Osmosis explained. How to save a rebreather diver. Reports and news from DEMA and Antibes festival. Photographing models. Shopping for the holidays. Lyngstølsvattnet.

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