Joachim Kreiselmaier first sighted the loaches in August 2015 while exploring the deepest parts of the Danube-Aach system, which can only be reached under particularly dry conditions in summer and fall.
Read moreSyngbio 2017 will be held in lovely Tampa, Florida (USA), May 14-19, 2017, hosted by The University of Tampa and co-hosted by Project Seahorse at the University of British Columbia, Canada.
Read moreAfter studying fossil records, a team of scientists from Northwestern University and Claremont McKenna, Scripps and Pitzer colleges discovered that the eyes had nearly tripled in size before (not after) the water-to-land transition.
Read moreHaving reached the midpoint of the unprecedented 10-year census, which involves scientists in more than 73 nations, it is reported that the 230,000 marine species now known to science are the tip of the iceberg.
Read moreSharks have a big reputation for their teeth.
, ,One of the greatest puzzles in biology, to me anyway, is how and why cuttlefish are able to put on their dazzling displays of colour to signal other members of their species and camouflage by closely matching the coloration of natural backgrounds
Read moreAntioxidant capacity is a critical component of stress tolerance because in a range of organisms, including corals, stressors such as high water temperature, poor water quality and even pathogen infection, produce an increase in damaging, highly r
Read moreOn Christmas day, scientists and fishermen researching sharks in the Palm Beach region, and environs, in Florida, released a video called Shark Science in Jeopardy.
Read moreNanomia bijuga is part of a group of organisms, known as physonect siphonophores, a group of chain-like hydrozoan predators and a relative of jellies, anemones and corals.
Read moreAdding to the list of deep-sea creatures, a Nova Southeastern University's (NSU) Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography researcher recently found a never-before seen species from the deep waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico.
Read moreThe word "symbiosis" literally means "living together". In biology, it refers to a close and usually obligatory association between two organisms of different species.
Read more"By changing colour to imitate local damselfish communities, dottybacks are able to overcome the predator avoidance behaviour in the juvenile fish they hunt," said Dr William Feeney, co-author of the study from the University of Cambridge's Depart
Read moreA new eco-tourism project has just been launched on the spectacular coast of the White Sea, from the village of Chupa.
Read moreUsing the staghorn coral Acropora millepora as a model, scientists from the University of Southampton have found that the fluorescent pigments that are mostly responsible for coral colours act as sunscreens for the symbiotic algae that live
Read moreNew research by Lindsey Dougherty of the University of California, Berkeley, suggests that scaring off predators or luring prey may be the primary motivations for the disco clam’s flashy behavior.
Read moreIf the hypothesis turns out to be true, it would represent the first evidence of such a trait in a marine mammal.
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